Self-confidence is good in Leo zodiac sign. Due to the fierceness of nature, many problems arise in their path. The people of Leo zodiac do not like to take others along. There are twelve distinct lines on the surface of the 12 Mukhi Rudraksha. Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Surya (Lord Surya) who creates an intense aura around the wearer. If the Sun planet has a negative effect on the horoscope of the wearer, then twelve Mukhi Rudraksha gets rid of its effects and gives positivity. This Rudraksha helps in increasing the administrative ability of a person and hence it is good for administrators, and businessmen as it bestows them with fame, wealth and power. This Rudraksha is said to possess the radiance, radiance, radiance, and power of Lord Surya and hence, the wearer is considered to be bestowed with all these qualities.


Singh Rashi Rudraksha


The representative deity of the people of Singh zodiac is Suryadev. The person whose Sun is good can not touch the bad effects of any other planet in life, but if the Sun is bad, then no matter how good the other eight planets are, they get bad effects. To get the power of the Sun, one should wear 12 Mukhi Rudraksha.


Benefits of Wearing 12 Mukhi Rudraksha



How to Use 12 Mukhi Rudraksha


Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is worn in red thread on Sundays. One can wear this Rudraksha after taking bath on Sunday morning after remembering God.




It is considered a divine incarnation of Lord Vishnu to wear 12 Mukhi Rudraksha. Wearing 12 Mukhi Rudraksha gets auspicious.

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