In astrology, the planet Jupiter is called Devguru. It is the lord of Pisces and Sagittarius. It is considered the karaka planet of knowledge, children, religion and growth, etc. If Devguru Jupiter is sitting in an auspicious place in the Kundali of a person, then it creates Raja Yoga for them and due to the effect of Raja Yoga, the person reaches the heights of success. They get great success in every field.
Importance Of Jupiter in Astrology
In astrology, the planet Jupiter is considered to be the causative planet of happiness, wealth, married life, children, and marriage. The people in whose Kundali Jupiter is placed in the exalted house, always give good and auspicious results. On the other hand, if the position of Jupiter is weak in the Kundali, then there is always a lack of knowledge, respect, and wealth in the life of the person. Among the Navagrahas, Jupiter is considered to be the factor of Guru and Mantra. They govern gold, finances and funds, law, religion, knowledge, mantras, and rituals. It determines the duration of the digestive system and age in the body. Being the lord of the sky element among the five elements, its influence is very wide and vast. In the life of women, the entire responsibility of marriage is decided by Jupiter.
Good Effects Of Jupiter in Kundali
If Jupiter is auspicious in the Kundali, then the person is learned and knowledgeable and gets immense respect and respect. There is divine grace on the person and the person gets saved from all the problems in life. Such people are generally seen in the functions of religion, law, or fund (bank). If Jupiter is in the center and is free from the malefic effects, then all the problems of the person disappear. If there is a vision of Jupiter on the Moon, then that person gives the highest success in high officials, government officials, or politics. According to astrology, the person in whose Kundali Jupiter gives auspicious results always gets knowledge, knowledge, spirituality, and divine grace. If Jupiter is auspicious in the Kundali, then the person gets happiness and good fortune.
Bad Effects Of Jupiter in Kundali
Due to the weakness of Jupiter, the person’s mind are weak. Along with hindrances in attaining education and wealth, a person faces difficulties in getting the support of elders. Jupiter gives many more problems including weakening of the digestive system. In inauspicious Jupiter, the problems of the child side also trouble. The person is generally inclined towards low karma and does not respect elders. If Jupiter is bad then marriage happiness also gets hampered. If Jupiter is weak or dosha in the Kundali, a person has to face sorrow and misfortune in the life. When the planet Jupiter is inauspicious, there are problems in the studies of a person, his honor and respect are threatened and there is always a fear of false accusations being made against him. Due to the defects associated with Jupiter in the Kundali, incidents like loss or theft of gold occur.
Many problems arise due to the auspicious and inauspicious effects of Jupiter in the Kundali. Astrology phone consultation should be taken to fix weak Jupiter in the Kundali. Astrology will help you to get rid of the effects of weak Jupiter.