The Mahadasha of the Sun is very important in Vedic astrology. With the Mahadasha of the Sun, both the direction and the Dasha of the person change. Sun is considered the king of planets in astrology. As it is known that the Sun is considered to be the factor of the soul. In the Mahadasha of the strong Sun, a person gets many types of happiness. There is benefit from the father, state, and society. Faith in religion awakens and health remains fine. If the sun is weak, then these fruits give opposite results. Loss from the state, suffering to father and family, and destruction of wealth. You can take an astrology phone consultation to know whether the Mahadasha of the Sun is in your horoscope or not.
What is Sun Mahadasha Sun Antardasha
In the Mahadasha of the Sun, the Antardasha of the Sun itself is of three months and eighteen days. If the Sun is a factor in the birth chart, it is exalted and is free from sinful effects, it gives auspicious results in its Dasha and Antardasha. In this Dasha, the wealth of the person increases and he gets the opportunity for promotion. The reputation of the person increases in society. All the work of the native gets done spontaneously. In the Antardasha of malefic and sinful Sun, the person suffers from disease and remains restless. He gets very angry. The expenditure of the person keeps increasing in comparison to the income, as a result of which his financial condition deteriorates, the person faces objections like transfer, transfer, opposition from the authorities and wanders in vain.
Sun Mahadasha Mars Antardasha
In the Mahadasha of Sun, the Antardasha of Mars lasts for four months and six days. If Mars is exalted in the Janam patri, under the auspicious influence and placed benefit with the Sun and the Ascendant, then the person receives benefits from land and agricultural works in this Dasha. The native gets land and a new house. If there is a profit for Mars or money. If the person is in the army, then the person especially gets the benefit of a vehicle, house, and money. If the person is in the army, then he gets a high post or gets promoted. If Mars is in inauspicious condition and is situated in the 6th or 8th house, then the person is afraid of the army, police, and thieves. The native has pointless quarrels with friends and family. The person’s wealth and land get destroyed. The person becomes sick and the capable mind becomes weak.
Sun Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha
In the Mahadasha of Sun, the Antardasha of Saturn lasts for eleven months and twelve days. Saturn is the ultimate enemy of the Sun. The native gets inauspicious results during this Dasha period. Despite receiving inauspicious results, the person does not commit sinful deeds. If Saturn is exalted, self-signed, and is in the center, second, third, or income house, then the person gets welfare. He gets victory in the cases pending in court. If Saturn is of inauspicious effect i.e. enemy sign, the debilitated sign is visible by the malefic planets and is in the sixth, Eighth and twelfth position from Sun, then the person’s intellect gets confused. The native has ideological differences from his father. Due to the predominance of enemies, the person remains worried. The physical strength of the person becomes weak. The native has to leave his place of birth. The native suffers from air diseases.
Sun Mahadasha Moon Antardasha
The Moon’s Antardasha lasts for six months in the Mahadasha of the Sun. If the Moon in the birth chart is exalted in the moon sign, self-sign, friend sign, etc. is under auspicious effect and is situated in Kendra, money or today, it gives auspicious results. In this Dasha, the person gets an increase in wealth and food and gets success in business or job. They get happiness from wife and progeny. Treaties are made with opposing factions. There is a benefit from a male friend, especially female friends. At such a time, the emotion increases in the person and he wanders into the world of imagination. The interest of the person in art and poetry also increases. If the Moon is in a malefic state in a malefic state, in the sixth or eighth position from the Sun, then the person gets inauspicious results. The sexuality of the person increases. They get failure in love affairs, and the person remains worried due to loss of money and unnecessary disputes with people. The self-power of the person becomes very weak.
Sun Mahadasha Venus Antardasha
In the Mahadasha of Sun, the Antardasha of Venus lasts for one year. If Venus is of exalted sign, self, and friend and is conjunct or aspected by auspicious planets and is not placed in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house from the Sun, then the Antardasha of Venus in Sun Mahadasha gives auspicious results. Many auspicious functions like marriage ceremony, son festival, etc. The native gets the wealth and complete happiness of the house and his honor and respect increase. If Venus is in the debilitated or enemy sign and is in the sixth, Eighth and twelfth position from the Sun, then there are problems in the marriage and problems in marriage. The native has ideological differences with his relatives. The native has secret diseases. The honor, wealth, and health of the person get destroyed.
Sun Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha
In the Mahadasha of Sun, Ketu’s Antardasha lasts for four months and six days. The native gets more inauspicious results in the Antardasha of Ketu in Sun Mahadasha. The person gets separated from the physical pain body and relatives. The enemy class of the person becomes dominant. There is the demotion of the person or there is a transfer at such a place where the person suffers. Auspicious results are available at the beginning of Dasha such as attainment of wealth, body pleasure and female happiness, etc. The Dasha of Ketu situated in the sixth, eighth and twelfth position from the Sun causes loss of wealth and health of the native. The person remains worried and he has quarreled with his family members, the person does not get any benefit even after trying.
Sun Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha
The Antardasha of Rahu in the Mahadasha of Sun is of ten months and twenty-four days. Since Rahu is a strong enemy of the Sun, the inner aspect of Rahu does not give special results in the Sun Mahadasha. If Rahu is in the center, second or eleventh house from the Sun through an auspicious planet and zodiac, then it gives some inauspicious results at the beginning of the Dasha and some good results at the end. In this condition, the person remains healthy. With the sudden increase in the luck of the native, results like promotion and transfer are obtained. The native benefits from going on a journey. If Rahu is placed under the influence of sin is sixth, eighth, and twelfth from the Sun, then the person is prone to royal punishment. The native gets pain and suffering from their family members. Imprisonment, premature death, fear of snakebite, and destruction of wealth, prestige, land, and money also occur in this condition. There is a decrease in the happiness of the person during this Dasha period. And he is always distracted.
Sun Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha
In the Mahadasha of Sun, Mercury Antardasha lasts for ten months and six days. Mercury is such a planet that does not give results even after being with the Sun. If Mercury is exalted, self, friendly, aspected by auspicious planets and sixth, eighth, and twelfth from the Sun, then the native is blessed with a state. He gets complete happiness from women and children and gets vehicles and clothes. If Mercury is conjoined with Bhagyaesh in the place of fortune, then the person’s fortune increases. If Mercury is in the benefic place, then there is strong growth in business and earning money. If Karmesh is present in the place of action, then interest in good deeds, increase in prestige, and promotion takes place. The person gets complete happiness. If inauspicious Mercury is situated in the 6th or 8th house, then the person is disturbed by the mind. He has to travel more and there is a loss of money. The health of the native deteriorates and he has problems in work and business. The native suffers from skin diseases.
Sun Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha
In the Mahadasha of the Sun, the Antardasha of Jupiter lasts for nine months and eighteen days. In the Mahadasha of the Sun, if the Antardasha of Jupiter with exalted, self-sign, friend or auspicious influence goes, then the person gets many auspicious results. If the person is unmarried, then his dispute gets resolved and he gets a life partner full of all qualities. The person also gets higher education, success in examination, wealth, and honor. The favor of the state remains and it is promoted. The native has an interest in worship and a tendency to serve cows, Brahmins, Atithi, sages, and saints. The enemies of the native are defeated. In the family of the native, an atmosphere of love and harmony is created with festivals and relatives. If Jupiter is situated in the sixth, eighth, and twelfth house from the Sun and is aspected by the malefic planets and is situated in the middle of the malefic planets, then in its Antardasha, the person suffers from women and children, and fear arises in the mind. The person destroys himself by being engaged in sinful activities.